The gallops are federal diplomas attesting different rider skill levels.
The federal training plan integrates the cognitive, emotional, emotional and relational dimensions of learning; as well as the formalization of the importance of the training of the rider in the work on foot as well as the handling of the horse.
Each gallop is subject to specific regulations and evaluation methods . They make it possible to assess equestrian practice, care and knowledge; they take place in the equestrian center in the form of evaluation courses .
There are several types of gallops:
Gallops ponies (in 2 cycles of 3 exams)
Riders gallops (in 7 exams)
Specialty gallops (dressage, aerobatics, western, etc.)
Gallops allow you to be on a level (like at school), to progress more easily and with benchmarks (practice on horseback and around the horse, knowledge, work on foot, etc.). The exams allow riders to have access to competitions
The galloping ponies accompany the smallest in a fun way and offer accessible targets from an early age. They allow the children to access thereafter, directly to the gallop 2 of rider .
The first 3 pony diplomas are for children aged 3 to 6 :
Bronze pony
Silver pony
Golden pony
The other 3 are accessible from 7 years old to 10 years old :
Bronze gallop
Silver gallop
Gallop gold
Riders gallops value knowledge on and around the horse, work on foot as well as equestrian skills .
Gallop 1 validates acquired
The gallops 2 and 3 provide access to the competition and provide a beginning of autonomy horse: they allow among others the discovery of the obstacle and outside jump
Gallop 4 is the "horse permit"
The gallops 5 and 6 provide some independence and around the horse, these tests allow riders to experience the cross
Gallop 7 provides access to amateur competition and the exams to become a riding instructor